Monday, January 18, 2016
Svart och vitt
Svart och vitt is my Ink Printing project. It is a bunny, in a patch of grass, on the night of a full moon. The board I used was white and I wanted the ultimate color that contrasted with white, so I chose black. Plus, black is one of the colors that represents night. I used cardboard to make the design, then painted that design and stamped it onto the white board.
Contrast is used between the two colors, black and white. I used lines to make the background and color for the ink. I wanted to emphasize on the bunny, white is why there isn't much going on in this picture. I made very little grass and the moon is quite small so that the bunny would be noticed more. There is balance, too. You can tell there is balance because when you split the image in half, there is an equivalent amount of actions happening on each side.
I drew a bunny because it was the first thing that came to my mind and rabbits are one of my favorite animals. I was going to make it a rabbit with floppy ears, but you would be able to tell what the image is if I did that. I gave him a little tuft of hair on his head because it's adorable. I drew him standing on his hind legs looking around for predators. I thought this pose was very easy to distinguish which is why I drew it.
I wish that the paint was more refined, as in not a bunch of random strokes everywhere. The paint got kind of messy and it smeared a bit in places, [such as the moon], although it looks natural, I wish it didn't happen. Other than the in smearing a bit, I absolutely love this piece.
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